About Us

Meet our team

Ryan Perkins

Ryan Perkins


Ryan is a Major with the Tulsa Police Department and has been with the agency since 2001.  He is currently the Headquarters Division Commander in charge of all Technology Projects for the agency.  He previously served as the Director of Training for 5 years as well as the SWAT Team Commander for 5 years.  Ryan has conducted armed intruder/active shooter preparedness classes for thousands of people.  He is the co-designer of the MARVI active assailant plan used by law enforcement, fire fighting, and emergency medical agencies throughout the Tulsa area.  Ryan is a Nationally Certified EMT.  Ryan holds a degree in Emergency Administration and Planning from the University of North Texas.

Anthony First

Anthony First

Medical Training Director

Anthony is a decorated member of the Tulsa Police Department since 1999, where he has worked patrol, narcotics and served on numerous task forces.  He currently serves as the department’s Medical Support and Training Officer.  He currently serves as Lead Paramedic on the Tulsa Police Department’s SWAT Team.  Anthony has been a paramedic for over 23 years specializing in the tactical and technical rescue fields.  He is an Oklahoma EMS instructor, and instructor for the National Association of EMTs.  Anthony was named the 2015 Rotary Club Officer of the Year for his work in preparing law enforcement officers to better handle critical medical emergencies.

Our Story

In the wake of the Aurora, Colorado and Newtown, Connecticut shootings, Ryan Perkins, the Tulsa Police SWAT Commander at the time, found himself being called upon by the local community in Tulsa, Oklahoma to provide training to local community partners for surviving an active shooter.  He built a common sense curriculum which dealt with ways that a regular person could survive such an incident.  He shared this training with thousands of participants over 5 years as the commander.

As the complexities of active shooters, armed intruders, bombings, vehicle attacks and targeted terrorist incidents grew, the need to train people to do more than just Run, Hide and Fight became clear.  Ryan enlisted Anthony First, a tactical paramedic that he had worked with and a paramedic instructor with the Police Department to help him build a medical training component that anyone from 7 to 70 could perform successfully.   This hands on training, using the most up to date studies on active shooter survival rates amongst victims, teaches our clients how to survive even if they have been injured by the assailant.

The realities of an armed intruder are terrifying, but we feel that if you give your staff a plan and the skills to help themselves or others if they are injured, they no longer feel helpless.  Empowered people can overcome even the most overwhelming event.  Let us empower your staff to win when the time comes.

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Call us to discuss your needs and how Radius can help!

How can we Help?



Contact us to see how we can help with your Active Shooter/Armed Intruder training needs.




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